Dear Parents,
A new horizon was opened in the realm of education in Delhi when opening this institute of learning and named it D.A.V. Model School .With the fast changing pace of the world , we see a rapid structural change engulfing every field, profound technological and scientific innovations and the globalization of economy impinging on life more than even. As a result, education too, faces new challenges. Hence, a parochial view of education has to replaced by an integral view comprising the needs of the individual, society, nation and all humanity on one hand and on the other, to the harmonious physical, mental and social development of the personality of a child.
We at D.A.V. Model School, try our level best to face the urgent need of education, provide unparalleled methodology and maintaining quality of education so as to cater to the ever-changing scenario. God preached the message of peace, love and tolerance, something the world needs in abundance today. DAVians are undoubtedly the harbingers of values and instill them in their students so as to stand/produce true citizens of the nation.
My very conscientious and dynamic team of teacher leaves no stone unturned to chisel the talents of the students like an artist and make masterpieces out of them. Every individual child at D.A.V. Model School is helped to realize his utmost potentialities and is encouraged to find his true place in the global human community. With the unanimous and collaborative support of parents the team of Principal and teachers is able to channelize the students in the right direction by whipping their dust of ignorance, lighting their strings of knowledge and playing the music of enlightenment.
Ultimately, like trees they spread their roots in the soil and their branches in the sky, without consulting any architect for their plane.
Warm regards
Mrs. Neelam Sharma